What are the factors for brittleness in silicone products?

1.The structure or mold design of silicone finished products leads to simple product splitting.
Unreasonable product structure or mold design, resulting in slight breakage of silicone finished products during molding,
Solution: Correct the structure of the product or mold to end the improvement, such as slightly thickening the overly thin local area, slightly rounding off the right angle, and so on.
2.Excessive molding temperature or long vulcanization time can cause the silicone product to become brittle.
3.Insufficient ventilation or high temperature during secondary sulfur addition can cause the silicone product to become brittle.
Solution: Pay attention to adjusting the ventilation and temperature control of the secondary sulfur addition.
4.Silicone itself is a material.
The main factor that constitutes the brittleness of silicone products is the inherent factors of the rubber material itself. Usually, the brittleness of silicone products is due to the poor quality of the rubber material itself, which cannot meet the requirements for tear strength. In addition, many silicone product manufacturers now fill the rubber with silicon powder to reduce costs, which makes the original tear strength of the rubber material that cannot meet the requirements even more brittle.
Solution: Use pure rubber without adding silicon powder for production. For slightly higher demands, it is necessary to use rubber from major brands such as Toshiba, Shinetsu, and Dow Corning for production. Extra products may need to be produced with high tensile adhesive (weather adhesive) before reaching tear strength.
Silicone products are known for their superior elasticity and super high tear strength. Products made from silicone materials have a long service life, comfortable hand feel, and flexible texture, which cannot be compared to products made from other materials. Among the four factors that contribute to the brittleness of silicone products mentioned above, the rubber material itself may have the highest brittleness, while other factors also exist, but their impact is relatively small. Therefore, when brittle silicone products are found during the production process, the high molding temperature should be cleaned first, and then the factors of the rubber material itself should be taken into consideration.

Post time: Jul-11-2024